Major Activities in 2015

Despite severe political oppression unleashed by the government, the party and its front organizations undertook a number of activities and supported programmes organized by others, particularly the Dighinala Land Protection Committee and Manikchari Land Protection Committee. At least 143 of its members and supporters were arrested with many of them physically tortured during the brutal crackdown.

March 15, 2015
UPDF actively supported various programmes organized by the Dighinala Land Protection Committee including a foot march in Dighinala demanding the rehabilitation of twenty one Jumma families evicted when the Border Guard Bangladesh forcibly took over their lands. The peaceful foot march on March 15 came under attack by army and police personnel, with many of the participants including elderly women being arrested.

April 06, 2015
The local unit of the UPDF distributed two bundles of corrugated iron sheets each among 30 families in Sajek of Rangamati district whose houses suffered severe damage in a hailstorm.

May 31, 2015
The local unit of the party distributed saplings of fruit trees among over two hundred families from 14 villages in Sajek Union of Rangamati district.

June 30, 2015
The party affiliated eight Jumma organizations (Democratic Youth Forum, Hill Students’ Council, Hill Women’s Forum, CHT Women’s Association, Sajek Land Protection Committee, Sajek Nari Samaj, Committee Against Women Oppression in Ghilachari and Protirodh Cultural Squad) demonstrated ‘Red Card’ over the controversial Fifteenth Constitution Amendment Bill and the home ministry’s 11-point direction for CHT. The programme was held in the three hill districts of the CHT.

July 05, 2015
The party helped the Manikchari Land Protection Committee to enforce a half-day road blockade in protest against land grabbing by Bengali settlers and army in Manikchari, Khagrachari district.

August 06, 2015
A seminar on ‘the present situation in the CHT’ was held at Chittagong press club under the auspices of the Hill Women’s Federation and Democratic Youth Forum.

August 09, 2015
The party helped Manikchari Land Protection Committee organize a mass protest against illegal land grabbing in Monadong Para and Bokri-para in Manikchari Upazila of Khagrachari district. Over 500 people took part in it despite the army’s intervention to disrupt it.

November 24, 2015
The PCP, HWF and DYF held a press conference at the national press club in Dhaka to highlight the current political situation in the CHT and the country.

November 30, 2015
UPDF president Prasit Bikash Khisha issued a public statement on the non-implementation of the CHT Accord, saying the government of Awami League had signed the Accord to satisfy its partisan interest and not to bring peace in the CHT.

December 01, 2015
Eight democratic organizations affiliated with UPDF blocked roads in Khagrachari for half a day demanding the release of HWF president Nirupa Chakma and its central committee member Dwitia Chakma who were arrested on 29 November during a brutal crackdown by army and police as they were holding a rally to mark the International Day of Solidarity for Palestine.

December 10, 2015
PCP, DYF and HWF held a protest march towards home ministry in Dhaka to press home their demands for the withdrawal of the 11-point directive regarding CHT and the release of detained HWF leader.

December 26, 2015
UPDF marked its 17th founding anniversary with elaborate programmes that included playing revolutionary songs at party offices, hoisting of the party and national flags, offering wreaths at the altar of makeshift monument for martyred party members, putting up banners, festoons and posters at conspicuous places, wall writing etc.