Major Activities in 2020

January 13, 2020
UPDF blocked roads in Panchari Upazila, protesting the extra-judicial killing of its member Poresh Tripura by members of the law enforcement agencies.

Before that, on 11 January, at a protest rally at Taltola area of Panchari, the party leaders demanded legal actions against the law enforcement personnel involved in the killing of Poresh Tripura and an end to extra-judicial killings in the CHT.

January 15, 2020
The PCP, DYF and UWDF organized a press conference in Dhaka where the leaders demanded that the government take steps to find Mikel Chakma, who disappeared on 19 April last year while he was on his way back to Dhaka from Kanchpur.

They also made the following demands: 1) the Sonargaon police station must register a General Diary (GD) in accordance with the directive issued by the high court in this regard, 2) the police must rescue and return Mikel Chakma to his family members, 3) the government must take necessary measures to put an end to enforced disappearances and killings by state agencies in the name of crossfire, 4) the government must withdraw restrictions on peaceful meetings and rallies and ensure a democratic environment in the country, including CHT, 5) the government must stop political repression including unlawful arrests and detentions in the CHT.

February 9 – 10, 14, 2020
UPDF and its affiliated organizations held rallies in Mahalchari of Khagrachari district and in Kawkhali of Rangamati district, demanding an end to human rights violations, including extra-judicial killings.

Similar demonstrations were also held in Ramgarh (Feb. 14) and Laxmichari (Feb. 21) in Khagrachari district.

February 11, 2020
The PCP, DYF and HWF organized a rally in Chattogram (formerly Chittagong) to protest against land grabbing activities by Bengali settlers in Betchari under Naniachar Upazila of Rangamati district.

March 06, 2020
The HWF and CHT Nari Sangha (Women Association) organized a rally in Chattogram against women repression with the slogan `Resist national oppression and sexual violence against Jumma women in CHT’.

May 10 – 13, 2020
UPDF activists helped farmers in harvesting their paddy in Manikchari. Besides UPDF activists, 30 students and 6 Bengali people also participated in the four-day long voluntary program, initiated by UPDFf organiser Chinu Marma.

June 07, 2020
UPDF affiliated organizations staged demonstrations in Manikchari, Guimara, Ramgarh and Laxmichari in protest over the arrest of Apu Tripura, a UPDF organiser posted in Ramgarh, by members of the security forces.

June 12. 2020
HWF organized discussion meetings in Khagrachari as well as Kawkhali of Rangamati to mark 24 years since the abduction of Kalpana Chakma in 1996 by security personnel from her home in Baghaichari, Rangamati. The speakers demanded arrest and punishment for Lt. Ferdous and others involved in the crime.

June 30, 2020
UPDF organized rallies in different parts of Khagrachari and Rangamati districts, demanding an abrogation of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution and recognition of the national minorities of the country. The amendment in question was passed by parliament in 2011 despite opposition from the national minorities.

July 09 – 12, 2020
UPDF and its front organizations held rallies in different areas of Khagrachari and Rangamati districts in protest over land grabbing activities and to demand the return of the grabbed lands to the Jumma people.

August 18, 2020
The Rangamati branch of the PCP held a commemoration for the victims of the Swanirbhor massacre in which seven people including PCP and DYF leaders were gunned down by army-backed vigilantes in 2018.

September 04, 2020
UPDF affiliated organizations formed a human chain in Chattogram (formerly Chittagong) to protest against the rape of two Jumma girls in Lama of Bandarban and in Mahalchari under Khagrachari district. The speakers called for exemplary punishment for the perpetrators.

September 13, 2020
The PCP and HWF organized a protest march in Khagrachari against recurrent incidents of rape and sexual violence in the CHT.

September 19, 2020
The DYF staged a rally in Khagrachari to protest against land grabbing attempts by Bengali settlers. The speakers condemned attempts to forcibly occupy a cremation ground in Soupru Karabri Para in Mahalchari, and called for stringent measures against the land grabbers and cancellation of a plan to resettle Bengali outsiders in Sajek, Marishya and Langudu Dakghor Moan area. They also demanded that the settlers be rehabilitated honourably in plain districts of the country.

September 25, 2020
The HWF and other UPDF-affiliated organsations staged demonstrations in Khagrachari, Panchari, Chattogram and Dhaka in protest over the gang-rape of a Jumma woman at her home in Bolpiey Adam in Khagrachari town.

September 26 – 29, 2020
More protests were held in Guimara, Dighinala, Ramgarh, Manikchari, Kawkhali, Kudukchari, Naniachar, Baghaichari and Sajek against the Khagrachari gang-rape incident.

October 09, 2020
UPDF affiliated organisations staged demonstrations in Chattogram and Khagrachari to demand punishment for Abdur Rahim for allegedly raping a Jumma girl in Langudu, Rangamati district.

October 12, 2020
The Khagrachari branch of the DYF staged a demonstration in protest over an army project to build a Five Star hotel and an amusement park in Chimbuk, Bandarban. The project is being implemented after taking over about 1,000 acres of land belonging to Mro community.

November 13, 2020
The PCP, DYF, HWF and CHT Nari Sangha jointly organized a solidarity rally in Chattogram to demand a halt to the construction of a Five Star hotel and an amusement park in Chimbuk, Bandarban by Sikdar Group and the army. Presided over by Shubho Chak, a DYF leader, the rally was addressed by Miton Chakma, Pinky Chakma, Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Asma Akter, Apu Dasgupta, Hassan Maruf Rumi, Dr. Shushanta Barua, Jannatul Ferdous Poppy, Advocate Bhulon Lal Bhoumik, Maidul Islam, Suborno Majumder and Hafeez Rashid Khan.

November 21, 2020
UPDF activists helped poor farmers in harvesting their paddy in Ghilachari and Sapmara in Naniachar Upazila, Rangamati district. UPDF leader Join Chakma and DYF leader Sadrok Chakma organized the program.

November 27, 2020
In a rally in Chattogram members of the UPDF affiliated organisations demonstrated red cards as a sign of protest against the construction of a five star hotel and an amusement park in Chimbuk hill of Bandarban. The speakers demanded that the lease contract signed between Bandarban District Council and the Bangladesh Army involving the land on which the hotel and the park are being developed be scrapped, and the land returned to the Mro people.

November 28, 2020
UPDF Sajek unit distributed warm clothes (blankets) among 230 poor and destitute families in Uzo Bazar, Baibachara and Chidoyochara.

December 31, 2020
The PCP, DYF and HWF organised a candle-light rally in Khagrachari to welcome the New Year 2021, with the call “Give up the despicable path of collaboration and subservience, join in the fight for women dignity and national identity.”

Throughout the month of December, UPDF distributed warm clothes among the poor people in different areas in Khagrachari and Rangamati districts.